
Producing Great Music Is All That Matters to Us.

What is producing?

ell, it goes well beyond the scope of simply engineering, and lends creative input to your project.
Different genres of music have different expectations and requirements of a producer.
Let’s look at a couple of examples of how our production works.

Rap, Hip Hop and Urban artists often mistakenly identify the person who “makes the track/beat”
as the producer. While that may be considered “producing”, we take that to a new level,
suggesting vocal parts and harmonies, arrangement ideas, finding THE live musician for that
funky guitar part that sets off your hook with THE CRUNKNESS. We help identify different
studio techniques to double or crush the vocals, amp tracks, you name it!

Rock musicians need a different angle. Their producer will help them pick the best takes,
help them nail down tempo or arrangement issues, even offer arrangment ideas that
could strengthen the quality of the material. Production techniques are offered throughout
to make sure the recording and technique supports the vision of the material and the integrity
of the artist(s). Spending extra time pursuing the guitar tone of a particular part can sometimes
reinforce the idea of an entire tune. We make sure that happens.

Singers almost always benefit from an experienced producer who can help them project,
breath and phrase more consistently, and know when they’ve reached their limit.
It is not uncommon for our producers to assist singers with vocal coaching, and
coaching referrals in the pre-production phase of album projects.

All I have is a melody!

Not a problem, we make arrangements with full bands and ensembles based on your
melody and chords, in a style that you are comfortable or familiar with.
Stop by the studio and we’ll give you some “before and after” demos of songs that
will blow you away!